Każdy może wybrać dla siebie odpowiedni pakiet usług!
Wybierz długość umowy, prędkość i kanały filmowe którą pokochasz.
TV + Internet
Player Bundle
TV + Internet + Phone
TV Combo Bundle
TV + Internet + Phone
Full House Bundle
TV + Internet
Player Bundle
TV + Internet + Phone
TV Combo Bundle
TV + Internet + Phone
Full House Bundle
Dlaczego warto wybierać pakiety usług w Krawarkon?
Brak limitów danych
Idealny do przesyłania strumieniowego
Wparcie konsultantów
Elastyczne umowy
A Few Things to Note About Our Broadband Plans
A Few Things to Note About MaxiNet Broadband Plans.
The network is not available in all areas or to all customers. Services are only available to premises that are pre-installed with NBN technology.
The standard installation of a service is to one point in your house, you may need to undertake your own additional work to make other points in the house ready.
Line speed refers to the max port access speed.
Actual speeds may differ due to various factors including your equipment, the capacity of our systems and our suppliers, the number of end-users using the service, the applications you are using and the websites you are accessing.
Once you have reached the data allowance for your plan, you will be charged excess data charges of $2 per GB.